Thursday, 2 April 2009

Tasting success in your spit...

Did you have success for breakfast too?

How could Sir Alan deny us the chance to have someone called Rocky on the show for just a little bit longer. If you were hiring, wouldn't the name Rocky add a couple more points onto the selection criteria? Would you want a Rocky on your senior management team?

Although making a loss is unforgiveable, should Rocky really have gone? Margaret made a valid point in the Board Room about potential to learn - Rocky may have it but James?! Really?! If Sir Alan is really looking for future leaders for his organisation, isn't the ability to learn somewhere in at least the top 3 of his 'wanted' list? But I guess the ABLE assessment never made it into The Apprentice selection process - shame.

The Olympic theme was either a stroke of genius or a case of major 'groupthink'. Making decisions under pressure has to be a core skill for any budding leader but you have to wonder about the team dynamics at play if they all end up wearing togas and no one actually puts their head above the parapet to mention that this could be bad for business - isn't there something needed in all leaders about knowing your customer? Still, toga parties will now inevitably experience a surge in popularity - so thank you Rocky.

So to James (the one without leadership potential?) - why did he believe that it was relevant to liken his feelings of hurt about the task to how he felt when his cat died?! Not that we're unsympathetic to him and his cat but we're not entirely clear (and neither was Margaret) about how this relates to business and to getting things done...which is surely the point after all. Sir Alan said that expressing yourself is an essential part of business - and of course we'd agree to that. But expressing yourself clearly and within professional confines (that doesn't extend to how you feel about your dead cat!).


P.S. For the MBTI geeks out there, anyone else believe that James has a preference for Feeling?

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